Sunday 7 March 2010

The Count

It's a tribute to Sir Christopher Lee, one of the most famous and brilliant British actor. He usually portrays villains and became famous for his role as Count Dracula, Saruman the White in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and Count Dooku in Star Wars saga. Hence, his big dedication for movie history and his country, he was knighted in the Queen's Birthday Honours in 2009.

This is another speed painting i did. Done in 3 hours. Hope you like it :)


  1. Of course I like it! I enjoing very much, with your good work! I know all this great films, with Christopher Lee! Bravo Met!

  2. wah salut abis buat evil handsnya,... hahah, maksud gw sangking terkesima, 3 jam bisa bikin kya gini.. very nice broo makin lama makin jadii Good workkkk

  3. kuerennnn kooo... tp kurang mirip christopher lee....>_< tpi lighting nya dapet kokk... hihihihihi... like like....^^

  4. Jenea > Hehehe, thank Jenea... Glad to hear that

    Benny > Haha, jangan tangan setan dong, serem, makasi ben.

    Qnoi > Makasi buat kritiknya. Gue gambar muka dia dari reference foto dia yang akhir tahum 50an, dan mukanya emang sangat beda sama sekarang. Salah satunya mungkin gara2 kita biasa liat dia dengan kumis dan berewok sedangkan di sini enggak.

  5. Wah keren banget met... Saluut buat u Met... G suka banget, apa lagi cuma 3 jem top top...

  6. Hebat met! Salut buat u!^^
