Sunday, 9 May 2010

Cloudgirl Project #001

Finally, we (me and Oen) can run this project after being delayed from last year. This is an experiment project which each week I have to create an illustration of a short story written by Oen and post it on my blog. A very exciting project we have, aye?

And, here it is. The first part of Cloudgirl Project (just a code name because the author has not found the proper title yet, hehe) Enjoy...
Happy sunday lads, Gbu..


  1. keren bgt ni tonenya, twi thubs up.. love it broo

  2. maria, benny > terima kasih, doakan bisa jadi project yang konsisten :)

  3. Manis, Met, gambarnya!

  4. koooo..^^ bagussss... hehheheehe.... jd ini kek project iseng donk..??

  5. hanie, garth > terima kasiiiih :)

    hana > makasii... ho oh, ini project yang lagi itu pernah gue bilangin.

  6. Met, it is very interesting project! Will be cool if you will made a few books, with this drawings!

  7. Great Bro! Like it Very Much..Keep Consistent and Keep the Works! 100% Support for This Project =)

  8. jenea > thanks jen, that's my dream, but firstly, we have to write and draw in constant pace for a very long time :)

    bobby > senang kalo bos suka, thanks for the support

    ana > ada yang lebih jelas dari itu ga na? hehehe... makasi udah mampir :)

  9. ilustrasinya yg ini yg paling keren, warnanya gw demen
