Saturday, 11 December 2010

Little Girl wih Her Red Hoddie

One of the most exciting and delightful activity (for me) is making picture of her. A very relaxing job to finish this day. Good night for You, Gb :)

ps: I use my ex-boss, Lala's visual style (combined with mine of course) ini this post.


  1. akh! keren.. jadoel abis tuh yak!
    1. ekspresi bengis >> masih kayanya.. dari sononya udah diciptakan Bapa ku seperti itu.. maapkan
    2. di kuncir udah jarang.. lebih sering di cepol
    3. sketsbuk >> gede amat sih?! kurang kerjaan emang itu binus! *esmosa
    4. tas ransel >> masi sering dipake kok
    5. celana jins gombrong gantung itu kemana ya? cari lagi aaaah! *kaya yg muat aja* *berasa kurus*
    6. hoodie gombrong >> akh, thanks for reminding, i get my fave red hoodie as a giveaway to my ex. Not like i wanted it back tho.
    7. sendal jepit >> allllllwaaaysssss

  2. oen > ah, dipuji. kalo gitu cukup akurat, makasi :) *padahal cuma buang2 waktu* *sombong*

    bob > komen lo gantung! hehe..

  3. gambaarnya kereen kereeen amat siih kaaaa..
    ajaaariiin digital paintiiing dooong..
