Saturday, 4 December 2010

The Ugly

A week ago, Oen has sent me a link. It's a photoshop tutorial. It tells lessons how to make and use traditional media such as graphit, conte, watercolor, etc. in digital media. In this case, photoshop. I read that tutorial and can't make anything like it tell, damn! Hehe..

But the tutorial makes me explore the brush editor far more than I did all this time. And I've got my own way to make a pencil-like brush. And here it is. The first trial with that brush, The ugliest creature in this galaxy. Will explore this thing farther, soon :)


  1. Buset, ini tikus apa hyenas sih?!

    berhasil ga tuh tuts? Ajariiiiin *mau enaknya aja&

  2. oen > hehehe, ketebak ya? ini hasil kombinasi kejelekan tikus dan gesture aneh ala hyena :)

    ga dapet yang dia kasih, tapi berhasil menemukan racikan baru. mau? BAYAR! hahahah...

  3. racikan barunya bikin tarikan garis dan detailnya lebih berasa bang...mantabb...rajin-rajinlah mencoba...kekekeke

  4. imajinasi yg aneh, tp berhasil hahaha
